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Online Aromatic Wellness

If you have a recurring health or wellness issue that you would love to address once and for all our personalized, online aromatic wellness consult will help you achieve the wellness results you desire quickly and naturally.

Aromatherapy is a specialized, complimentary, and holistic therapy which uses the natural wonder, and scientifically proven benefits of natural aromatics.

If you suffer with wellness issues which stem from any of the following, help is at hand:

- stress

- headaches & migraines

- skin conditions

- muscles & body aches & pains

- insomnia


The personalized consult is as follows and includes:

- an overview (you have the opportunity to discuss what you want resolved) via a client questionnaire and email.

- aromatherapist preparation, you will be provided with a lovely aromatic, and personalized remedy for your specific use.

- Follow up after 2 weeks via email / phone / zoom








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